Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Rig is in the Driveway

The RV is in the driveway. It's always exciting to bring it home to pack as it means that adventure is just around the corner, but first, it will need to be prepared and provisioned.

Tomorrow morning we will start the job of loading it for a three to four week trip. The rig has been winterized for the last four months and has to have all the winterizing fluids drained and replaced with fresh water, and other such necessary jobs.

There is so much we take for granted in our homes. When I want to wash a load of clothes, it's down the hall to the laundry room, sort the clothes and load the washer. When traveling I have to remember to bring laundry soap, enough for at least 6 loads of clothes, plan where and when to wash, and pack enough clothes to get us through till laundry day.

There will be a number of things to load tomorrow and, from the looks of my studio, most of my tools, clay, etc will be tucked in anywhere there is space in the rig.

Next will be food, drink and a bottle of wine. Can't wait to get started.

I have finished the last inro before leaving. This one looks like flame stitched fabric, sort of. It turned out much better than I thought it might while designing it. I hope that I have prepared enough different styles for my students to see the versatility of polymer clay.

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