Saturday, February 28, 2009

Time is a-fleeting and calla lilies are blooming the in studio

The days are flying by! Fandango is coming up fast and the remodel on the house on Lincoln is moving even faster. The sheet rock is up, taped and textured. The trim carpenter (son Vincent) has started the built-ins. Whew!

The inro to the left is another one that will hold a credit card and money. It is more useful than smaller ones and was a great deal more involved to make. This was the first time I tried a transfer on an inro and I accidently blurred the artwork while assembling it so after baking, I used oil pencils and a Pitt pen to restore the depth and detail of the artwork. I like it better than the transfer alone. The Calla Lily is a favorite of mine so repeating the calla lily theme through out the inro was more fun than work.

As fast as the remodel is going, the days to Fandango are going even faster! All of the molds for the kits are complete, as well as the molds for the auction donations and tutorials. Tiny paper clay forms are drying on my desk; when dry, they will need a bit of finishing.
For now, I am making more pretties for the boutique. These two projects were finished today. I love them both and would rather keep them than sell them. :-)

The calla lily jewelry/hair set is my favorite I think. It's amazing how strong the clay is. I use Kato mostly, sometimes mixed with Premo. After baking, it has a nice sheen to it.

This last week at home will be busy and exciting. Soon we will be loading up the rig and heading south for a time of teaching and some R&R.

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