Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cabin Fever Clay Fest

 Each year the Cabin Fever Clay Fest conference is held in Laurel Maryland and is the brain child of Kathryn Jo Ottman. For years I read about it in blogs and posting on forums and on Kathryn's blog.

Left is an image of the annual postcard created with images of classes to be taught. How exciting it was to see my class (first row, second from left) in the post card along with many of the artists that I've only known by name in the past.

What fun it was to have the opportunity not only to teach, but to meet and visit with so many (attendance was about 100 people) clayers from all over the country. Each teacher brings their own unique view and style using polymer clay, embeds and techniques to the students.

I taught two classes. One was faux ribbon embroidery, and one was making bezels (settings) for polymer clay cabochons.

My demonstration was embedded canes in molded cabochons. I called the embedded canes *pressed flowers*. The image to the right are two *pressed flower* cabochons that were molded, baked and a bezel (settings) was molded and fitted around them and baked.

Left is a close up of a *pressed flower* cabochon with the elements softly spilling over the cabochon and onto the background.

I can hardly recommend this wonderful conference to you for a fabulous time of learning and fellowship.

Penni Jo Couch
designer, teacher and sculptor of 

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