Sunday, January 19, 2014

Faux Ribbon Embroidery class at CFCF

 I'll be teaching the Faux Ribbon Embroidery class at Cabin Fever Clay Fest next month (February 2014).

Will be making the heart and it can be a pen or pendant as you choose. This project uses only three colors of clay a tiny bit of white Poly-form's Pomegranate clay and translucent clay. Polyform will be supplying the clay for the class. Thank you Polyform!!

We will be covering a number of steps but not all 16 that are in the class. A short tutorial will be included with the class that includes photos of all 16 "Stitches". I will be demonstrating all the stitches during bake time in during our class on Wed. Feb. 19 8:00AM – 12:00PM.

This pendant uses similar stitches as the class project however it  uses more colors and scraps of Skinner blends. Also used in the project to the right were scraps of greens that were swirled and then cut into leaves and vines.

Also included in our class will be techniques for pressing iron on glass or crystal jewels into the design without damaging the surrounding soft clay.

Hope to see you there! For more information check out:

Penni Jo Couch
Creator designer of 

1 comment:

  1. I live in Canada and can't make it to your classes. The Faux Ribbon Embroidery is an interesting look. Is it possible for you to do a tutorial and put it online?
    Doreen Neilley
