Monday, March 11, 2013

Best Flexible Molds is now on!

We've all been cautioned about 'fishing' emails, folks who are trying to get us to write back, give info, etc. Like most web users, we are more than cautious when receiving any emails with lucrative promises.

So, when, starting the third week of January, I began to get, occasionally, an email from a person claiming to work at who wanted to bring us on board as sellers my super cautious senses began to tingle. Thinking this had to be a come-on and an attempt to separate us from our info and or money, I promptly threw them away. 

But about a month ago the 'Amazon' email I got did not seem to follow the type of email that was fishing for info so, after reading the signature that had the Amazon logo on it (this is easy to copy) and reading all of the info in the signature, Joe and I began an in depth investigation to see if this person was, perhaps, an actual Amazon employee. Everything appeared to be legitimate (this can also be duplicated).

So, after a great deal of thought we decided I should send a tentative letter to the man, Mr. Brown, telling him I had been throwing away all his emails as I was highly suspicious that Amazon would have an interest in our small company. He wrote back with more info about selling on Amazon and said he was also very cautious.  (Might be true but, after all, people do fib. )

One cautious email after another followed until we tentatively decided he was probably was actually working for or with Amazon and we asked what was needed to sell on their website, what were the costs, etc. etc. 

No problem ~~ We could upload our data, photos and more. 

Problem ~~ then they needed a bank account number for payment to us of sold items. Once again, the feet grew cold and the suspicion level rose greatly. Hummm, maybe we were at that point where we were at risk and decided not to do it. 

After a couple of days though it was decided that we'd open a bank account just for web sales and keep no $$ in it! If they were going to steal, they were going to get nothing!! Bank account opened, we completed all the work necessary and  a couple of days later, uploaded our images, info and more using a spread sheet set up for us by Amazon. 

That evening we had an order for two molds!! We'd been up less than a day and already had an order!!! Now, after three and a half weeks, we are enjoying the sales at Amazon. Joe's busy making molds, packing and shipping. I'm planning new molds!

The picture is a screen shot of one of our molds on Amazon. There is also a Best Flexible Molds store. Right now we are only shipping in the USA from our Amazon Best Flexible Molds Storefront, our choice, but who knows where it could go from here.

You can order our molds directly from us on our website 
We ship to most countries. 

 you can order our molds from our store on

Posting by Penni Jo Couch
Creator and Designer of Best Flexible Molds



  1. Peej, that is awesome. I went to the Amazon page and it's really great.
    I know you will do well. I'll send this information out to everyone I know. Would you prefer they buy directly from you or on Amazon?
    I bet Joe is busy. LOL
    When I figure out a place on Amazon to leave a review, I'll let them know how great these are.

  2. Dear Bonnie, thank you so much for your very kind comment.

    We would like for our customers to buy directly from our website if possible. We're hoping that people will find us on Amazon that may never hear about us otherwise.

    Thanks for giving us a good review and thanks too for the kind words on your facebook page.
    Your Friend,
