Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fun Valley RV Park in Colorado - 4 days & 5 nights

Last month, three brothers, my Joe and brothers Joe Paul and  Jerry along sister Barbara and with spouses took off for a few days in the mountains. Joe Paul had some wonderful memories of the part of Colorado we were heading and it sounded like a great idea.

Joe and I put a free shipping special for folks who ordered while we were gone with the promise to ship upon return on the 1st of August.
Rain clouds approaching the campground, Dalhart TX.
Heat here in Oklahoma has been over 100 degrees for weeks and no rain. The grass is dying and we can only water our plants every other day due to the drought. It's the same in Kansas where Barbara and Gerald live. We all needed a break from the heat.

Our first night out was in Dalhart Tx and the rain clouds were a delight to say the least!

We pulled into Fun Valley RV park just south of South Fork CO.

Our motor home, left in Fun Valley CO.
 The three families traveled in separate RVs and Joe Paul rode with us. At first the crowded conditions were annoying until we began to see all that the campground offered. Dining hall, rec centers, Rio Grande river running through it, lots of fishing ponds and paddle boats, tube riding down the Rio Grand, church, entertainment in a variety of places. Wow! What a great place. Since we were rarely in our RV's but spent hours outside at one or another of the RV's it was a great place.
Beautiful stalk of flowers

Barbara and I took a really long walk taking photos and enjoying the cool breezes. While treking along the river I caught these beautiful flowers.   The yellow ones were tall and showy. The reddish lavender ones were stately and beautiful. They were eye candy for sure. I got the pics for color and an idea for polymer clay. :-)   

 Everything grew so well there. Flowers, leaves, trees, and the tiny chipmunks. A lot fewer than in years past. 

We took a side trip over the Continental divide. It was so very beautiful that I kept taking photos through the front windshield from my spot in the center of the back seat.  Every time I looked out the window someplace more amazing and majestic than the last was looming on the horizon. These are just three of the many "through the windshield" pics taken.

It is so very, very beautiful there that we all decided we should have planned a much longer trip.

When we got to the Continental divide, we piled out to read the plaques and stand a-straddle the brass line that is the top of Wolf pass. All the rain, water melt and rivers run east on one side and west on the other.

The two pics below of the green field and the poster were most interesting, to watch the mountains slide away from this point.

 The hot pink spot is where I think we were standing. No telling though, close maybe but for sure standing on top of the world for the moment.

I think the best part of the trip were the meals shared with laughter for seasoning. Going down memory lane, and catching up on each others lives.

Reluctantly we packed up and headed home still talking about coming back in a few weeks to enjoy more cool and company all the while knowing that our lives would not allow it again so soon, but planning for next year maybe.

We stopped at Barbara's home on the return trip for the night and continued to enjoy each other's company.  the next day, our generator went out on the RV and it quickly got very hot inside. The two seats up front were cooled by dash air conditioning but the sofa where the seat belts for passengers are got pretty warm before we got home. When we dropped Joe Paul off in Moore we unhooked the car, I drove to the Office
I hope some day everyone can enjoy the beauty of the Rockies.
Depot to pick up our print order and drove the 45 miles back to Maysville. The car was wonderfully cool!

One good thing, I had hours of uninterrupted time to work on my polymer clay book and got a huge amount done on the layout, project ideas, tips, appearance, color recipes, etc. All in all, I'd call it a great trip with some discomfort on the way home.

Penni Jo Couch
Designer, Sculptor and creator of Best Flexible Molds.

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