Friday, July 20, 2012

I've got a new attitude!

Some of you may remember that song, "I've got a New Attitude" by Patti LaBelle. Sometimes things can happen that give a person an "Ah-Ha!" moment, an event that gives birth to a new attitude.

At my age I have been cleaning up the kitchen for over 50 years! It seems to be a thankless job that is never finished. So, yesterday, when entering the kitchen and seeing the dishes from lunch piled on the counter (I'd left the room before loading them into the dishwasher) I was just plain disgusted. Now everything would have to wait until those darn dishes were in the dishwasher! Or, I could leave them here but they would still be here when I got back into the kitchen to cook a meal!

Visualize a pout here.... Geesh!

Then the words from an old poem I'd read over 40 years ago went through my mind. 

Thank God for dirty dishes,
They have a tale to tell. 
For, by this stack of evidence, 
We're doing very well.

Yes, evidence that we have eaten today, that we can afford to buy food, and that we live in a country where food is readily available everywhere. 

Suddenly I felt a bit ashamed to be fussing about the evidence of our abundance. These dirty dishes taught this old gal a wonderful lesson and a reminder.

 Attitude is everything.  

The evidence of our abundance is a reminder of the blessings we have daily. 

Thank God. 

I immediately began to put the kitchen back in order, dishes in the dishwasher, counters wiped down, stove wiped off and a fragrant candle lit to bring a sweet aroma to our tidy kitchen. It took about five minutes!

Life is good - I have evidence. Have a great weekend!

Penni Jo

Designer, sculptor & writer for Best Flexible Molds


  1. Thank you for that! We just moved and I have been fussing about not having enough storage space in my kitchen. Maybe it's time to pay it forwaard and give away some of my excess.
    Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Carolyn,

    You're welcome! I too have been paying it forward (thanks for this reference, I loved the movie). If there is not room for it and I have not used it in a year it gets a new home.

    We have moved twice in three years and it is amazing how many 'things' we don't actually need.
    Penni Jo

  3. I love your new attitude and will do my best to adopt it for myself. However, I hate doing dishes so much that I leave them around until my husband gets disgusted and does them. That works too. :-)

  4. Thanks so much. 'Made me laugh! My hubby often helps after dinner to rinse and load the dishes while I clean the kitchen. He's a sweetie. But, when I alone am doing it, I constantly remind myself of all this evidence of abundance!

    Penni Jo

  5. Good words, I have been battling the kitchen mess with my 22 y/o that moved back home, guess I need to look for the blessings not the messings !

  6. Hi PenniJo
    after looking in Claypen, found myself here. you are a lady after my own heart.
    I thank God, and the Universe every day for what I have. We are blessed to live in countries where we are free to do and have our own things.
    I love pottering around my own kitchen,even tho no dishwasher, thats Me!, and feel blessed that I can.your thoughts are so right.
    love to you and all.
    Elizabeth k.
