Friday, April 10, 2009

If it's not one thing, it's another.

Wow, I can't believe that it has been so long since the last post. I would like to say I'm home and relaxing from the trip, but we have hit the remodel hard to try to get it done by June. I'm sanding cabinet doors, removing hardware, running out for the guys to buy this or that or the other, and lunch. Plus, since returning from Fandango, I have been busy every evening working on a website. Lot's of folks have asked for my website address, so I figured it's about time I got on the ball and put one together. It's a lot more work than I had imagined.

Our days go something like this, (read it like you are out of breath, short, choppy sentences.)
Today, tile and flooring.
Borrowed truck,
Had to remove 5th wheel device from truck bed,
Drive to tile place, on the far north side of OKC
Look at bathroom countertops,
Measure nearly every one of them
Buy tile, head out the door to get truck,
Set off alarm on borrowed truck
Truck won't start
Work for over half hour to get truck to start
Get it started,
Drive to door
Load 27 boxes of tile!!!!!!!!!!! (helped by men at store)
Wonder, how we going to do this when we get home?????????
Drive toward house,
Get call from brother "meet us for lunch"
Eat lunch at favorite mexican restaurant.
Again, drive toward house
Back into driveway.
Set up boards for ramps.
Have to remove some shelf holders so hand truck will roll smoothly.
Sweep floor where tile will go.
Joe loads hand truck while I hold it,
Rolls inside, unloads hand truck,
Repeat five more times
I hold hand truck while he unloads.

Now drive to Norman OK to look at flooring at Habitat for Humanity store.
Look at all the counter tops,
Look at light fixtures
Buy 175 feet of flooring for new studio.
Buy 200 feet of underfloor stuff
Take it to house
Again with the hand truck
And again.
And again
Take truck back to brothers house.
He not there,
Work for half an hour to put the 5th wheel device back into truck.
Come home,
Flop into chair!!!!
Friend sends a chat,
Then a video
After talking flop into chair again, but NOOOOOOOOO
It's supper time!

I made this single pic of the living room in progress by putting three pics together in Photoshop. We found the windows behind the bookcases on either side of the fire place when we tore out the old dark paneling and bookshelves. Joe created arched openings to match the rest of the house. The openings will have "Autumn Leaves" clear glass in them, allowing light to pass through to brighten the living room however, the heavy patterns of falling leaves will give complete privacy.

The plan for the house is a Mediterranean Style. The house had several arched windows and three arched doorways. We have repeated the arches through out the house and added a skylight in the master bedroom. The colors chosen are warm, with turquoise touches. All woodwork will be high gloss white, walls buttery buff with darker focal walls. The accent colors will be used through out the house. I'm even thinking of a tuscany village scene mural in the dining room. We used to eat in a restaurant with a village scene that was sooo charming. However one of the big tornados that frequent our state, destroyed the restaurant and the lovely scene.

On Thursday, clay buddy Jane called and asked if we could play. Since the tile guy is now putting tile on hall, kitchen, dining room and Florida room, we can't get in to work, so we took the day off and I played. We made faux granite and faux marble. Here's the earrings I made. Two matching hair combs are in the works.

However, not all was great on Thursday. Wednesday evening, when the dishwasher in the house we live in emptied, most of the water went onto the floor and fortunately, I was close by and caught the mess. I threw lots of towels down to prevent it from running onto the wood floor in our work room, right next to the kitchen.

All afternoon, while we were claying, we had to walk around the stuff from under the sink and the fan blowing into the open cabinets to dry the space.

Joe had to replace the drain pipes, one had corroded through. The
house is over 30 so I guess it's no surprise. There is still a tiny
leak under the sink. One part needs tightening but (wouldn't you know) the wrench we need is at the remodel house. You can bet there was another trip to the hardware store!

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